Our expertise

Letting opportunities guide the path for our projects

For over a decade Nelson has made responsible building its battle ground, erecting passive buildings that approach zero energy and aim for carbon neutrality. In our planning for each site, our thinking revolves around the three pillars of sustainability: economic, environmental and societal. This line of thinking guides our steps and actions in bringing to fruition the dreams of our partners', the development of the JAM Hotel brand and the performance of one-off projects that stimulate our inspiration.

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The hotel of tomorrow

Planned entirely with sustainability in mind and designed with a vision of resilience, the future Jam hotels will be the leaders in a new generation of hotels. Anchored in the present and addressing the challenges, our hotels combine comfort, responsible consumption and commitment.

Our assets

Our know-how in hotel management

Hotels that comply with responsible tourism objectives

Projects with high environmental value

A comprehensive internal evaluation tool which allows objectives to be set in accordance with the specifics of each project

A desire to discover and to think differently

A multi-focus plan, multi-purpose proposals

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Turnkey projects
Building for you

Whether working on a hotel complex, apartment building or multi-purpose building, Nelson leverages all its know-how and expertise to serve its tenants. Buildings that meet today's environmental challenges, and, in addition to ensuring energy savings, are in harmony with the lifestyle of tomorrow.

Your advantages

 A sustainability team that is dynamic and avant-garde in its field

Our expertise in the development of hotel projects

A comprehensive internal assessment tool for responsible building

High added value proposals with a long-term vision

Openness to multiple-focus projects

Projects opportunities

Occasionally, alternative projects come to our attention and inspire us. Different projects, which challenge us and allow Nelson to embody its particular vision of real estate: namely, being responsible, economical, consistent and forward-looking.

Our assets

A desire to think outside the box

The need to be a pioneer of change

The desire to put culture first

The desire to always offer the alternative, both in the uses for the project and in the economic reflection of its execution


The future is not what will happen ...

but what we are going to do.

— H. Bergson